Water - Licensed Pipe Fitters And Mainslayers


Water - Licensed Pipe Fitters and Mainslayers



Licensing of pipe fitters 

123. - (1)   No person shall, in the course of or in connection with or for the purpose of any trade, business or profession carried out by him, perform or carry out any work connected with  construction, alteration or repair of any service pipe or distributing pipe or fittings which carry water supplied by a water supply authority unless he holds a valid licence as a pipe fitter issued by the State Water Authority under this Part

(2)    An application for a licence as a pipe fitter shall be made in such form as may be prescribed by the State Water Authority.

(3)    A licence as a pipe fitter shall be in Form A in the Third Schedule and shall be valid for  the calendar year in which it is issued and may be renewed for the subsequent calendar year, and shall contain such terms, conditions or restrictions as the State Water Authority may impose.

(4)    A fee shall be paid for a licence as a pipe fitter and for the renewal thereof at the rates prescribed in the Fourth Schedule.

Requirements for registration as licensed pipe fitter

124. - (1)   Before a person can be issued with a licence as a pipe fitter, he shall pass an examination conducted by the State Water Authority.

(2)    The examination shall take the form of a written test, interview or practical test or an combination thereof, and shall be based upon a syllabus issued by the State Water Authority.

Licensing of mainslayers

125. - (1)   No person shall, in the course of or in connection with or for the purpose of any trade, business or profession carried out by him, perform or carry out any work connected with the laying, alteration or repair of any mains which carry water supplied by a water supply authority unless he holds a valid licence as a mainslayer issued by  the State Water Authority under this Part.

(2)    An application for a licence as a mainslayer shall be made in such form as may be prescribed by the State Water Authority.

(3)    A licence as a mainslayer shall be in Form B in the Third Schedule and shall be valid for twelve months from the date of issue or renewal thereof, and shall contain such terms, conditions and restrictions as the State Water Authority may impose.

(4)    A fee shall be paid for a licence as a mainslayer and for the renewal thereof at the rates prescribed in the Fourth Schedule.

Requirements for registration as mainslayer

126. - (1)   Before a person can be issued with a licence as a mainslayer, he shall pass an examination conducted by the State Water Authority.

(2)    The examination shall take the form of a written  test, interview or practical test or a combination thereof, and shall be based upon a syllabus issued by the State Water Authority.

Right of State Water Authority to refuse, suspend, cancel licence

127. - (1)    The State Water Authority may refuse to grant a licence under this Part to any person, or may suspend or cancel any licence previously granted to any person or to refuse to renew such a licence if the holder thereof  has contravened any of the provisions of the Ordinance or these Regulations, or at any time or place so conduct himself as to warrant the refusal, suspension or cancellation of such licence or would not, in the public interest, justify a renewal of the licence.

(2)    Where the holder of any licence issued under this Part fails to carry out work of a quality and standard stipulated under these Regulations, his licence may be suspended for such period as the State Water Authority may deem fit and proper.

     Provided that the holder of the licence shall first be given an opportunity of showing cause why his licence should not be revoked, within 30 days of issue of the show cause letter by the State Water Authority.


(3)    Any person aggrieved by the suspension or cancellation of his licence under this regulation or the refusal to renew his licence may, within 30 days of date of the suspension or revocation or non-renewal, appeal in writing to the Ministry whose decision on such appeal shall be final and shall not be questioned or challenged in any Court.

Existing licence holders

128.  Any person who holds a licence as a pipe fitter or mainslayer prior to the date of coming into force of these Regulations issued under any other written law shall forthwith surrender that licence to the State Water Authority who shall issue to that person a new licence of equivalent status: Provided that if that person has not passed a pipe fitter's or a mainslayer's examination before the coming  into force of these Regulations ; the State Water Authority may require him to pass the examination referred to in regulation 124 or 126 within such period as the State Water Authority may specify in writing, failing which, the licence issued to him may not be renewed.

Registration For Pipe Fitter / Mains Layer Course

The following are current accredited institutions for on Competency Training and Examination for Pipe Fitter/ Mains Layer:


  • Akademi Binaan Malaysia Wilayah Sarawak (ABM)

        For registration, click here

        Contact Person: Mohd Habiel bin Ahmad

        Contact No: 082-446700; email: habiel@cidbabm.com.my


  • Pusat Pembangunan Kemahiran Sarawak (Sarawak Skills)         

        For registration, click here

        Contact Person: Adrian Hon

        Contact No: 082-539220; email: adrian@ppks.edu.my


  • Institut Kemahiran Mara

       For registration, click here

      Contact Person : Mohamad Amrie Bin Hanapi

       Contact No.: 013-9337894

       eMail : amrie@mara.gov.my


For New/ Renewal of Pipe Fitter License/ Mains Layer License


*Kindly refer to the Guideline for Application of Pipe Fitter/ Mains Layer License before the registration and submission of license via SEG Portal.

To apply a new Pipe Fitter License/ Mains Layer License via our online application system, e-Utilities System, click here for account registration and submission.


List of Licensed Pipe Fitter/ Mains Layer


image Announcement